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プレグネノロン 50 mg    Pregnenolone 50 mg

サイズ:60 Tabs
プレグネノロン 50 mg
ソースナチュラルズ ソースナチュラルズ全製品へ
通常価格:¥3,002 (非課税)
割引価格:¥1,899 (非課税)
日本への輸入には医師からの処方箋、服用(使用)指示書の写し等を含む輸入確認申請書等を厚生労働省に提出する必要があります。医療関係者が治療のために輸入する際は医療従事者免許証の写し、必要理由書等を含む輸入確認申請書等の提出が必要です。輸入確認申請書を提出される場合は、出荷後、Commercial Invoiceと荷送り状の写し(PDFファイル)を電子メールでお送りしますのでお知らせくださいませ。

120 Tabs


英語から日本語へのGoogle翻訳(ご参考)---> <自動翻訳>

Pregnenolone 50 mg
Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects.

Directions:One tablet daily, or as directed by your physician. One half tablet may be sufficient for some persons. Do not exceed one tablet per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using pregnenolone (PREG) may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

Ingredients: 1 tablet supplies: Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 21 mg, Pregnenolone 50 mg.
Other Ingredients: sorbitol, mannitol, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid and magnesium stearate.

Warning: Not for use by persons under 40, or pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not take Pregnenolone if you have severe benign prostatic hypertrophy, or hormone-responsive cancer, including estrogen-dependent breast cancer or prostate cancer. Consult your physician before taking PREG if you have any medical condition including high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy, liver disease or a kidney, thyroid, adrenal or immune system disorder, or if you are taking any medication including corticosteroids, asthma medication, calcium channel blockers, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anti-anxiety drugs, oral contraceptives, progesterone, progestin or are on estrogen replacement therapy. spacer

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通常価格:¥15,273 (非課税)
割引価格:¥10,183 (非課税)
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通常価格:¥5,332 (非課税)
割引価格:¥3,103 (非課税)

フリーダイヤル 0120-987-651 電話受付 月〜金 10:00AM〜3:00PM(祝祭日除く)
FAX 0749-54-5255

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