Chinese Red Panax Ginseng and Royal Jelly Extract - Contains 10 Vials of 10cc
We combine high quality Chinese Red Panax ginseng roots with its long-term stamina benefits with fresh Royal Jelly - rich in amino acids, B-vitamins (particularly B5) and enzymes - known for its ability to provide quick energy.
Imperial Elixir carefully selects mature, six-year old Panax roots from the world's premier ginseng growing region along the China/North Korean border. Our roots, known for their wholistic benefits, potency and strength, are meticulously processed into a liquid to maintain 100% of their nutritional benefits.
The concentrated liquid extract is then combined with pure, fresh Royal Jelly - one of nature's most concentrated and beneficial nutritional substances, and honey. This results in an amazingly refreshing and effective nutritional supplement that boosts energy and stamina.