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フローラ (フローエッセンス)    Flora Health (Flor Essence)     メーカーURLへ  

フロー エッセンス リキッド ハーバル ティー ブレンド    Flor Essence LIQUID Herbal Tea Blend

サイズ:17 Ounces
フロー エッセンス リキッド ハーバル ティー ブレンド
フローラ (フローエッセンス) フローラ (フローエッセンス)全製品へ
通常価格:¥8,190 (非課税)
割引価格:¥4,907 (非課税)

32 Ounces


英語から日本語へのGoogle翻訳(ご参考)---> <自動翻訳>

Cleanse at the cellular level with Flor-EssenceR.

Flor-EssenceR is a traditional herbal formula developed to gently cleanse the whole body at the cellular level.* Oxidative stress and free radicals can accumulate within your cells over time from an array of environmental stressors. Flor-Essence R supports your body fs detoxification organs in removing these toxins and provides antioxidants that protect against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.*

Flor-EssenceR can be used as a gentle cellular cleanse or as an integral part of your daily preventative health ritual.

The cleansing herbs include burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, watercress, blessed thistle, red clover blossom, rhubarb root and kelp.

  • Safe and effective full body cleanse
  • 8-herb formula synergistically supports multiple elimination pathways
  • Suitable for everyday use
  • Organic + Gluten-Free + Kosher + Non-GMO + Vegan

    Directions: SShake bottle well before use. Measure 2 oz. of tea and dilute with 2 oz. or more of hot water. Take on an empty stomach preferably 1/2 hour before eating in the morning and at bedtime. Sip slowly. For extra strength, take 3 times daily. This product is not suitable for pregnant or nursing women. Keep out of reach of children.

    IMPORTANT: After opening, keep refrigerated and consume within 3 weeks.

    Ingredients: 2 Ounces supply:
    Servings per Container: 8
    A proprietary blend (aqueous extract) 1.3 g
    certified organic burdock root, certified organic sheep sorrel herb, certified organic slippery elm bark, watercress herb, certified organic blessed thistle herb, certified organic red clover blossom, certified organic rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) root, certified organic kelp.

    Other Ingredients: Filtered water, citric acid.

    Warning: Do not use: If pregnant or nursing; if you are allergic to plants of the asteraceae, compositae, daisy, polygonaceae, or brassicacease families; if you are allergic to iodine; if you have had an organ transplant (stemcell transplants are okay). Not recommended for children.
    Not Intended As Medical Advice. spacer

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    フリーダイヤル 0120-987-651 電話受付 月〜金 10:00AM〜3:00PM(祝祭日除く)
    FAX 0749-54-5255

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